golem brass
golem brass


Brass Golem


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Brass golem

2024年5月15日 — Created using a small fortune's worth of metal, brass golems are not only powerful guardians but also potent symbols of wealth.

Brass Golem - Mage Knight Wiki

Brass Golems are an early model Atlantean melee war machine, designed to be used as corridor fighters in attacks against Dwarven holts; the Dwarves' natural ...

Brass golem - Might and Magic Wiki

The brass golem is a monster in Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor. It is stronger than the bronze golem, but weaker than the gold golem.

Brass Golem

Golem, Brass Golem. This towering brass statue, built to resemble an evil horned humanoid, carries a gigantic curved sword in its metal fists.

Brass Golems

The Brass Golems are magical constructs, created to do their masters bidding. Often act as servants or guards.


Skills: A brass golem is a relentless tracker. It gains a +20 competence bonus on Survival checks for the purpose of tracking a foe designated by its creator, ...

Golem, Brass

This towering brass statue, built to resemble an evil horned humanoid, carries a gigantic curved sword in its metal fists. Brass Golem CR 14. XP 38,400

Golem, Brass

Brass Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (3d10 + 10) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) fire damage.


2024年5月15日—Createdusingasmallfortune'sworthofmetal,brassgolemsarenotonlypowerfulguardiansbutalsopotentsymbolsofwealth.,BrassGolemsareanearlymodelAtlanteanmeleewarmachine,designedtobeusedascorridorfightersinattacksagainstDwarvenholts;theDwarves'natural ...,ThebrassgolemisamonsterinMightandMagicVII:ForBloodandHonor.Itisstrongerthanthebronzegolem,butweakerthanthegoldgolem.,Golem,BrassGolem.Thi...